Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Goldman Sachs Employees Get More Than They Bargained For

Or maybe the problem is that they didn't bargin, just stole from The People to stiff-arm bankruptcy court?

Whatever the reason, Bloomberg is reporting that Goldman Sachs employees are arming themselves to do battle against an outraged American public.

Somehow, I think the pencil-neck geeks at Goldman Sachs might suffer from a small firepower disadvantage as they face the brunt of the 2nd Amendment.

Oh well, all's well that ends well.


  1. New Yorkers are woosies.

    They'll get real men from the Midwest via the National Guard or Marines to help them confiscate wealth from the rest of us

  2. Your Bloomberg link doesn't work, or is that part of the joke? Why is the strong dollar causing all assets to rise in price?

  3. Hello FDRAllOverAgain,
    You mention in MW that we are paying $330B in annual interest payments on the national debt to the Fed. Since the Fed pays most of its profits to the US Treasury, what is the problem?

  4. "Your Bloomberg link doesn't work, or is that part of the joke? Why is the strong dollar causing all assets to rise in price?"

    It works from here. Check your connection.

    Asset classes during the 21 month rising dollar:

    -Stocks--down 40%
    -Precious Metals--down 30% (avg, gold down 30%, now up 15%; mostly sideways)
    - Real estate--disaster turning nighmare
    - Private Business--gone
    - Bonds--zeroing out or negative (= deflation)

  5. "Since the Fed pays most of its profits to the US Treasury, what is the problem?"

    You mean like the divisions of AIG they stole today?

    Hey, Ben, where's my check?


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On Nov 2, 2010, I plan to vote (FOR or AGAINST) my incumbent congressman

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